
这个签名程序, 完全是网赌平台网站独有的, is designed to give you a competitive leg up in the job market—equipping you with transferable skill sets, 同时用具有智力挑战性的课程激励你. 而不是一刀切的需求, 网赌平台网站为学生提供规划课程(CYC)的机会.

想要提高你的批判性思维和道德推理能力, 获得公民知识和信息素养, 或者以上都有? 与本体,, 你将与指导老师一起制定自己的学习计划, choose from an intuitively searchable course catalog and develop a roadmap that is tailored to your academic and future ambitions.

无论你选择在网赌平台网站学习什么, you will come away with a broadly-based education and a variety of interdisciplinary skills that transcend professional industries. 当今的职场需要灵活、能适应不断变化的趋势的候选人. 所以,探索你的激情,拓展你的视野,准备好 绘制航线图 与我们.


的 CYC program works on two different but intertwined levels: at the same time as you’re taking courses in a broad range of disciplines, 你将发展关键技能,帮助你在网赌平台网站和其他地方取得成功. CYC的每一门课程都标有它所教授的3项主要技能, 比如解决问题, intercultural knowledge or writing—so you can search for courses by the skill you want to practice (ex. 团队合作)和纪律(例如. 人类学). 这让你更容易选择最适合自己的课程, 理解你的教授试图教给你的东西, 把你在学习过程中学到的东西都表达出来.


CYC技能是所有学生在工作、公民身份和生活中取得成功所需的基本技能(以下是美国学院和大学协会对它们的定义). 而不是针对单一工作进行严格的专业培训, CYC会给你一个技巧工具箱,帮助你在任何你想做的事情上取得成功. 事实上, 这些技巧是当今大多数雇主都在寻找的灵活的软技能 雇主希望在学生简历上看到的关键技能 和《网赌平台网站》 2021年招聘人员最看重的十大技能).

每一个CYC课程都明确地侧重于其中的三项技能, 你对自己的选择有很大的控制权. 你可以决定深入练习其中的一些技能, 或者获得广泛的不同技能.



是的! While students who began before Fall 2021 are still subject to the old Liberal Arts Curriculum (LAC), 从那时起,所有学生都必须修满10个学分.

  • 转学和考试学分, 比如AP和IB考试或社区大学课程, 可以申请到CYC吗. (详情见下文!)
  • 您可以在学生评估系统(SES)的“学生资源”标签中跟踪您的CYC状态。. 这不仅跟踪你完成了CYC的广度要求, 而是跟踪你的CYC课程所关注的技能, 这样你就可以看到随着时间的推移,你正在培养哪些现实世界的技能.
  • This part of the program gives you experience in a variety of disciplines and helps you find passions in areas you might never have explored.
  • 的 课程表 用一系列属性标记所有CYC课程. 这些会告诉你:
    • 有关课程是否符合“青少年青训营”的要求;
    • 它满足哪些宽度要求(以“CYC宽度”开头的属性,e.g. CYC广度-自然科学 or CYC广度-写作增强);
    • 以及对于CYC课程,他们将教授哪些技能.
  • 如果你在看一门特定的课程, these attributes will help you understand what skills that course focuses on and what breadth requirements it fulfills.
  • 你也可以通过技能搜索来帮助你选择教授你想要练习的技能的课程. Knowing what skills your courses are designed to teach you will help you articulate the kinds of broad skills you’re learning at NCF.
  • This part of the program helps you focus on and develop the skills that will best suit you in the future.
  • 在每个学期创建合同的过程中,你会被要求反思你的进展. This required “Reflection” section of the contract asks you to consider: What are you trying to accomplish? 你获得了哪些知识和技能,它们将如何帮助你未来? 的 contract is an opportunity to think back to how you’ve grown and forward to how those experiences will shape your future. You should write this reflection—or at least begin doing so—before meeting with your advisor to plan your courses each term. 同时, talking with your adviser about your reflection will help you get the most out of your advising experience!
  • 初步AOC (PAOC)表格, which you will complete in your fifth contract (about halfway through the traditional four years at NCF) will ask you not only to declare an Area of Concentration (AOC), 但也要广泛地反思你学到了什么,掌握了什么技能——你从哪里开始的, 你已经走了多远,下一步想去哪里.
  • 这部分课程帮助你回顾过去和展望未来, 并考虑如何将你的技能应用到现实世界中.
  • 如果你有佛罗里达州立机构的匿名戒酒会, 就算是完成了CYC的所有要求. 你完成!
  • 如果你没有AA, 或者你的转学分来自私人或州外机构, 注册主任办事处 will make a determination about what credit you will receive based on your existing transcript. 这适用于CYC课程以及合同和更一般的转学分.
  • 一般来说,其他机构的入门课程或衍生课程也可以满足CYC的要求. 的 exceptions are Math (where NCF requires trigonometry or higher) and Writing (where NCF requires a course at the 200(0)-level or higher).



No! 的 requirements of the Liberal Arts Curriculum (LAC) still apply to anyone who started before Fall 2021. 这些都是:

  • LAC共8门课程
  • 各科1门LAC课程
  • 1多元视角课程
  • 数学要求
  • Writing requirement (fulfilled by completion of the senior thesis and passing your baccalaureate exam)
  • 公民素养要求(通过转学分或考试完成)

像之前一样, you can track your completion of LAC requirements in the “Student 资源” tab of the Student Evaluation System (SES).

  • 的 课程表 已更新. 用星号标记每个LAC课程的旧系统正在被淘汰, 所有LAC和CYC课程现在都可以使用附加到每个课程的属性进行跟踪. 这些会告诉你:
    • 课程是否符合本地课程及/或本地课程的要求;
    • 以及CYC课程将教授哪些技能.
  • 如果你在看一门特定的课程, these attributes will help you understand what skills that course focuses on and what breadth requirements it fulfills.
  • You can also search by skill to help you choose courses that teach the specific skills you want to practice. Knowing what skills your courses are designed to teach you will help you articulate the kinds of broad skills you’re learning at NCF.
  • 你也可以从青年会的技巧和反思元素中获益:.
    • 合同中的“目标”部分已被“反思”部分所取代。, a required question that explicitly asks you to reflect on your progress: 你获得了哪些知识和技能,它们将如何帮助你未来? 你的目标是什么?为了实现这些目标,你还需要做些什么? 的 contract is an opportunity to think back to how you’ve grown and forward to how those experiences will shape your future. You should write this reflection—or at least begin doing so—before meeting with your advisor to plan your courses each term. 同时, talking with your adviser about your reflection will help you get the most out of your advising experience!
    • 也, 初步AOC (PAOC)表格, which you will complete in your fifth contract (about halfway through the traditional four years at NCF) will ask you not only to declare an Area of Concentration (AOC), 但也要广泛地反思你学到了什么,掌握了什么技能——你从哪里开始的, 你已经走了多远,下一步想去哪里.
    • 这些元素将帮助你规划一条对你有意义的道路, 了解你学到了什么,以及将来如何应用它, 并向网赌平台网站以外的观众解释你的选择.
  • 关于 your learning path at New College and how LAC and/or CYC can contribute to your growth >> 你的指导老师.
  • 关于 particular LAC and/or CYC courses that you’re interested in taking >> 教他们的教授.
  • 关于 what your transfer credit counts for and what requirements you still have to complete >> 注册主任办事处 ((电子邮件保护) or 941-487-4230).


Appropriate courses completed through other colleges (including dual-enrollment college courses taken while enrolled in high school) may be used to satisfy CYC breadth requirements, 只要他们被网赌平台网站注册主任认为有资格获得转学分. 的 Registrar will work with you to determine which courses completed at other institutions may be appropriate.

在大学先修课程(AP)取得令人满意的成绩, 国际文凭(IB), 高级网赌平台网站认证(AICE), 或大学水平考试计划(CLEP)考试可以用来满足CYC的要求. 如果你在同一科目上参加了两次不同的考试(i.e. IB和AP, 或AICE及AP), 只有一个满意的分数可以被给予相应的CYC要求.

点击 在这里 完整的考试列表和成绩符合CYC学分. Exam scores should appear in your CYC Status Report (under “Student 资源” in the Student Evaluation System). 如果他们没有出现在那里, it is likely that they have not been correctly received and processed by the Office of the Registrar. Please consult with Registrar’s Office staff and/or check that your scores have been correctly submitted to 网赌平台网站: many exam results are not automatically transferred as part of your high school transcript.

公民素养 要求因学生群体而异. 为了满足这一要求, most students entering after Fall 2021 must pass both a course (either American Government or US History since 1865) AND a test (generally the Florida civic literacy test).

  • 以下考试同时满足课程和考试要求:
    • 美国政府与政治AP考试成绩达到3分或以上
    • 美国历史AP考试成绩达到4分或以上
    • 在CLEP美国政府考试中获得50分或更高的分数
  • 的 following exams fulfill ONLY the Civic Literacy course requirement; students who have achieved passing scores on these exams must also pass the Florida civic literacy test.
    • 1789-1917年美国历史剑桥AICE AS-Level考试成绩A- e
    • 美国历史IB考试5-7分

的 赛数学 下列任何一项规定均可满足:

  • 在ACCUPLACER初级代数考试中取得91分或以上的成绩
  • 在任何大学先修课程(AP)数学考试中获得3分
  • 在国际文凭(IB)数学考试中获得5分或更高的分数
  • 在大学水平考试计划(CLEP)数学考试中获得50分或更高的分数
  • A passing score on the mathematics section of the College Level Academic Skills Test taken prior to July 2009
  • A passing score on the FTCE General Knowledge Exam mathematics section or a score of 91 or higher on the mathematics portion of the Florida College-Level Entry Placement Test
  • A 2.平均成绩5分(4分).0 scale) in traditional postsecondary-level course work identified by the Florida State Board of Education and Florida Board of Governors as meeting the requirement to demonstrate college-level skills in mathematics. (详情请与注册处联络.)
  • Six semester credit hour equivalents of mathematics course work completed at another accredited college or university, 并被认为有资格获得转学分. (详情请与注册处联络.)