Maria D. Vesperi

Professor of Anthropology


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College Hall 233


Social Science 102


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Anthropology | Urban Studies | Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies


M.A., Ph.D., Princeton University
B.A., University of Massachusetts

Maria D. 维斯佩里是一位文化人类学家,主要研究城市问题, anthropology and journalism, social welfare policy, cultural constructions of aging and race, public-facing scholarship, multi-modal representations of culture, performance studies, and early industrial history. 1981年,她辞去了第一份教学工作,到《赌城平台网站》工作, 她在那里写特写和专栏,并为福利调查系列撰稿, home health care, community mental health care and aging. 1986年,她加入了该报的编辑委员会,在佛罗里达州和华盛顿特区工作.C. 直到1993年回到全职教学和研究工作. 在网赌平台网站,她开设了文化人类学课程, myth and ritual, history of anthropological theory, anthropology and literature, language, culture and society, contemporary U.S. cultures, urban anthropology, the anthropology of performance, 老龄化研究的人类学方法, and visual anthropology. 她还建立并继续教授新闻课程,其中包括制作一份赌城平台网站周报, The Catalyst.

维斯佩里教授是《赌城平台网站》的执行协调编辑, 一个旨在向公众提供人类学知识的期刊和多媒体平台. She is 2005 recipient of the President’s Award, Society for the Anthropology of North America; 2006 recipient of the President’s Award American Anthropological Association; 2009 recipient of the American Anthropological Association/Oxford University Press Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching of Anthropology; 2017 recipient of the Anthropological Association’s Anthropology in Media Award; and 2018 recipient of the Society for the Anthropology of North America’s SANA Prize for Distinguished Achievement in the Critical Study of North America.

Vesperi教授定期在国内和国际会议上展示她的工作,并积极参与专业协会. 她是北美人类学协会和人类学与老年学协会的前任主席. 她曾在美国人类学协会执行委员会任职, Long Range Planning Committee, Nominations Committee, Resource Development Committee, Student Internship Committee, and as a AAA Op-Ed Project mentor. 她制定了主题,并担任“关键交叉点/危险问题”执行计划委员会主席,” the Association’s 2006 annual meeting. 她是《网赌平台网站》的创始编辑, 北美人类学协会的出版, 他曾是《赌城平台网站》的特约编辑, 黑人人类学家协会的期刊, 曾任人类学与老年学协会通讯编辑,曾任《赌城平台网站》栏目编辑和专栏撰稿人. 1995年至2015年,她担任Poynter Institute的受托人, 一所非营利性的新闻教育和领导学院.

Recent Courses

Language, Culture and Society
Urban Anthropology: Past, Present and Future
Cultures of the Contemporary USA
Anthropology and Literature


Selected Publications

2022“现在的紧迫性:实时编辑人类学知识”.” In Baines, Kristina and Victoria Costa, eds. 制作酷人类学:一本反思手册. University of Toronto Press.

2020“人类学和新闻学之间的生成空间。.” In McGranahan, Carole Ann, ed. 写作人类学:关于工艺和承诺的论文. Duke University Press.

2020导言:《网赌平台网站》.” Higgins, Rylan, Emily Martin, and Maria D. Vesperi). Anthropology Now (special April 2020 issue). Taylor & Francis.

2011年“安可:年龄与世俗仪式的表演研究方法”.《网赌平台网站》(美国老龄化学会杂志)特刊, “Not New Age, but for Older Age: Ritual for Later Life.” October 2011.

2010年,《赌城平台网站》.” Anthropology News, 51 (4) 7-9.

2009年《书架上的人类学:人类学家的写作. Waterston, Alisse and Maria D. Vesperi, eds. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
—“Taking Chances.” In Waterston, Alisse and Maria D. Vesperi, eds. 书架上的人类学:人类学家的写作. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
——《引论:人类学家中的作家》,作者:爱丽丝·沃特斯顿. In Waterston, Alisse and Maria D. Vesperi, eds. 书架上的人类学:人类学家的写作. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.

《网赌平台网站》,2009年.” Anthropology News, Vol. 50 (8) 21.

《网赌平台网站》,2009年.” In Bird, Elizabeth, ed. 新闻与新闻人类学:全球视角. Indiana University Press.

2009“媒体与促进正面老化形象”.” In Hudson, Robert, ed. Boomer Bust? 老龄化社会的经济和政治动态. Westport, CT: Praeger/Greenwood.

2004《赌城平台网站》一书中. 专著,哈佛大学公共卫生学院和大都会人寿基金会. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University.

2004 “New Horizons on Home.” In Rowles, Graham and Habib Chaudhury, eds. 回家:关于老年的地点、时间和身份的国际视角. New York: Springer.

《网赌平台网站》,2003年.” In Stafford, Philip J., ed. 灰色地带:民族志与养老院文化的相遇. School of American Research Press.

《赌城平台网站》,2001年.” In Rowles, Graham and Nancy Schoenberg, eds. Qualitative Gerontology (2nd ed.). New York: Springer.

2001,“美国的老龄化:文化多样性作为生命历程的关注”.” In Susser, Ida, and Thomas Patterson, eds. 重新审视美国:多样性的人类学视角. 美国人类学协会和布莱克威尔出版社.

1999,《赌城平台网站》, Drama and the Visual Arts” in Shenk, Dena and Jay Sokolovsky, eds. 关于老龄化的教学:国际和跨文化视角. 人类学与老年学协会专著.

1998年(1985年)《赌城平台网站》. 作者伊萨卡:康奈尔大学出版社的新后记.
1997《网赌平台网站》,杰伊·索科洛夫斯基著, ed. 老龄化世界视野的文化背景,第二版. New York: Greenwood.

《网赌平台网站》1995. Henderson, J. Neil and Maria D. Vesperi, eds. New York: Greenwood.