Student 卫生服务


心理辅导 & 健康中心位于海湾校区,与简·班克罗夫特·库克图书馆隔海湾路,靠近帕尔默D大楼. 查看赌城平台网站地图.

Fall 2022 Medical Clinic Hours

新生可以在秋季/春季学期预约学生健康服务. 服务包括一般医疗、性健康、妇科检查、疫苗接种和过敏注射.

Fall 2022 Medical Clinic Appointments available:

下午1点至5点 & Fr 12 PM– 4 PM by calling (941) 487-4254 Option 1 

In Case of a Medical Emergency

Call 911 or contact Campus Police at (941) 487-4210

有时,学生的需求超出了中心提供的服务范围.e. dermatology, orthopedic needs) and need to be addressed by a specialist. 在这种情况下, 执业医师和中心工作人员将帮助客户转介到适当的社区进行进一步治疗.

学生应在正常营业时间以外到社区寻求医疗干预. 请注意,这些办公室与我们的中心无关,正常的医疗费用与这些办公室有关:

  • 萨拉索塔 Memorial Walk In Clinic: 2401 University Parkway, Ste 105, 萨拉索塔, FL 34243. 电话:941-917-1234
  • 萨拉索塔 Memorial Hospital -Emergency Room: 1700 South Tamiami Trail, 萨拉索塔, FL 34239. 电话:941-917-9000
  • Manatee Memorial Hospital – Emergency Room: 206 Second Street East, Bradenton, FL 34208. 电话:941-746-5111
  • 萨拉索塔 County Health Department: 2200 Ringling Blvd, 萨拉索塔, FL 2900. 电话:941-861-2900
  • Manatee County Health Department: 410 6th Ave East, Bradenton, FL 34208. 电话:941-748-0747
  • Charlotte County Health Department: 514 East Grace Street, Punta Gorda, FL 33950. 电话:941-624-7200

The State of Florida requires all students under the age of 40, whether degree or non-degree, full-time or part-time, to present documented proof of immunity to Rubella. 所有1965年以后出生的学生还必须提交麻疹免疫证明.


所有 documentation may be submitted to:

Student 卫生服务, 咨询 & 健康中心, 湾滨道5800号, 萨拉索塔, FL 34243. 传真:941-487-4256


  • Medical History Form with proof of two MMR immunizations.
  • Medical Information Form.
  • Waiver for Treatment of Minors (if applicable).
  • 乙型肝炎系列免疫和脑膜炎免疫证明或签署的豁免表格.


  • Date of last tetanus vaccination.
  • Copy of Health Insurance card.
  • 与在校期间可能需要的持续治疗有关的医疗记录

Necessary paperwork can be found through the following links:

New College of Florida Immunization Form

The Measles and MMR (measles, 流行性腮腺炎, (风疹)免疫接种可通过咨询和健康中心象征性地收取费用. 肺结核检测、破伤风疫苗、风疹和风疹滴度也可提供. 请致电941-487-4254中心获取提供的免疫接种的完整列表, 定价, and to make an appointment.

NCF学生可以根据医疗改革法案(奥巴马医改)购买医疗保险。. 更多的 information can be found at www.医疗保健.政府

所有 international students who need to obtain insurance, 以下是目前提供国际学生保险计划的公司链接.

在咨询和健康中心收到保险和免疫证明之前,国际学生不得注册课程. 传真:941-487-4256

As our patient, you have the right:

  • To be treated with respect, consideration, and dignity.
  • To appropriate privacy.
  • To confidentiality of your medical records. Except when required by law, 患者将有机会批准或拒绝医疗记录的发布.
  • To be provided complete information, 就已知程度而言, concerning your diagnosis, 评价, treatment and prognosis unless medically inadvisable.
  • 参与你的医生在做出明智的决定,涉及你的医疗保健, including your right to accept or refuse medical care or treatment.
  • To request and receive a second opinion from a community provider.
  • To review your medical record.
  • 关心是对你自己的价值观和文化信仰的体贴和尊重, and to equal access to treatment regardless of race, 国家的起源, 信条, 性, 性别, 性取向, 残疾, 或宗教.
  • To timely access to health care.
  • To refuse to participate in experimental research. 拒绝参加研究不会影响咨询和健康中心的后续护理.
  • 在适用的情况下,审查并收到治疗费用的说明.

As our patient, you have the responsibility:

  • 提供你所知的,准确和完整的信息.
  • 按照健康专家讨论和建议的治疗计划进行治疗,并承担拒绝治疗或不按照计划进行治疗的责任.
  • 告知医疗服务提供者生前遗嘱和/或医疗授权书或其他可能影响您健康护理的指示.
  • To arrange payment for any charges not covered by the health fee.
  • To treat staff with respect, consideration, and dignity.
  • 如果您认为您的权利受到侵犯,请尽快通知咨询与健康中心主任, 表达不满, or to offer suggestions.
  • To respect the community by turning off cell phones, or placing them on vibrate, and refraining from use unless authorized by the Health Care Provider.
  • To keep your appointment at the 咨询 and 健康中心, or to cancel at least one hour before the scheduled appointment.

CVS and Walgreens can deliver medications to the 咨询 & 健康中心. Once your medication is delivered, 您只需要带照片的身份证就可以在我们的正常营业时间(周一至周五上午8点至下午5点)领取.

注册CVS 点击这里 and use the address below or call 941-355-4155 if you have any questions

To use the delivery service for Walgreens, 致电任何当地的沃尔格林药房,要求将您的处方发送到以下地址或致电941-360-3474与我们最近的沃尔格林药房交谈


咨询 & 健康中心,网赌平台网站,5805湾岸路,佛罗里达州萨拉索塔,34243

Who is eligible for services at 心理辅导 and 健康中心?

所有 currently registered New College students.

What types of medical problems can the CWC treat? What happens if the CWC can’t take care of my problem?
The Center is an outpatient facility to treat general medical concerns. If a medical concern is outside the scope of Center services, 中心的工作人员会帮你转介到社区的专家那里.

Where is the 咨询 and 健康中心 located, and when is it open?
CWC位于湾岸路西侧的简·班克罗夫特图书馆正对面. The Center is open Monday through Friday 8 Am-5 PM. 但是,在寒假和暑假期间不提供服务.

Do I need an appointment? 或者我可以“走进去”?
我们强烈建议您打电话预约(941-487-4254),以确保您能尽快见到. 如果有预约时间,我们将接受前来就诊的心理健康紧急情况患者, but this cannot be guaranteed.

What can I do if the CWC is not open and I need to be seen right away?
If you can’t wait until the next available appointment, our website has a list of community providers in the immediate area. 如果是紧急情况,请去急诊室,拨打911,或联系赌城平台网站警察.

How much does a visit to Student Health Service cost?
到咨询和健康中心接受医疗服务是免费的. 一些超出标准服务范围的服务和程序会收取象征性的费用. Please call the Center for specific information regarding fees.

Can I get medication at the CWC?
咨询和健康中心不直接分发药物, but the practitioner will provide students prescriptions if warranted. CWC努力保持有关药房促销的最新信息,以确保我们的学生能够以合理的价格获得他们的药物. Walgreens and CVS will deliver to the CWC.

咨询服务没有保险,是免费和保密的. 咨询记录不会与保险公司共享,除非学生提供信息发布并要求共享他们的信息.

Does the 咨询 and 健康中心 provide care for women’s health?
是的, the CWC provides gynecological care to include pap smears, STI testing and treatment, 怀孕测试, 还有生育控制.

Do you offer psychiatry in your facility?
We refer all psychiatric medication care to outside community resources.

我是校友. Can I be seen at the 咨询 and 健康中心?
As an alumnus, you no longer qualify to receive services through the CWC. 然而, 如果您需要社区提供者的转介信息或继续护理的记录, we can assist you given the appropriate release of information.