Natural Sciences Division



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Heiser Natural Sciences Complex 172C

的 natural sciences seek to shed light on the rules that govern the natural world by using empirical and scientific methods. Although mathematics and computational science may not be considered natural sciences 本身, they provide critical insight and many tools used within the natural sciences.

的 Heiser Natural Sciences Complex includes teaching and undergraduate research labs for chemistry, 生物学, computational science, physics and mathematics.

的re is a greenhouse, herbarium and sampling equipment for field ecology. Our newest facility is a Nanotechnology Lab to study the properties of tiny structures used in cutting-edge technologies for the computer, 机器人, medical and optical communication fields.

的 Pritzker Marine 生物学 Research Center houses over 100 aquaria and features student and faculty research laboratories, classrooms and office space for New College’s marine 生物学 program. Each tank in the Living Ecosystem Teaching and Research Aquarium features a different captive ecosystem, several with a camera to send images to a streaming video server. Underneath the building, an additional 10,000 square feet of space provides room for quarantine, 存储, and the system that supplies seawater to the facility’s aquaria and labs.

Natural Sciences Division AOCs

Natural Sciences Faculty & 工作人员

Briana Aguila-Ames

访问ing 联系 教授

Area of Concentration

Dr. Rebecca Black

Assistant 教授 of Organic 化学

Area of Concentration

Amy Elizabeth Bohan

Instructor of 生物学

Area of Concentration

John Littner Clark

Adjunct Asst. Prof of 生物学

Adjunct Faculty

Area of Concentration

Dr. Donald Colladay

教授 of 物理

Area of Concentration

Melissa Crow

Instructor of 统计数据


Emeritus 教授 of 生物学

Founding Director Pritzker Marine 生物学 Center

Erika Díaz Almeyda

Assistant 教授 of 生物学 and Environmental Studies

Dr. Kristopher Fennie

联系 教授 of Epidemiology

Co-Director of Health Cultures and 社会

Fahmida Hamid

Assistant 教授 of Computer Science

Dr. Emily Heffernan

联系 Provost

联系 教授 of 生物学 and Environmental Studies


Assistant 教授 of Bioorganic 化学

Dr. Bernhard Klingenberg

Director of 数据科学

教授 of 统计数据

Christopher Kottke

联系 教授 of 数学

Dr. 特拉维斯李

Director of Quantitative Skills Programs

Director of the Quantitative Resource Center

Samantha Levell

访问ing Assistant 教授

Area of Concentration

Dr. Elzie McCord Jr.

Emeritus 教授 of 生物学

Area of Concentration

Lisa Merritt

Research Scholar

Professional Mentor

David Mullins

Emeritus 教授 of 数学

Area of Concentration


访问ing 联系 教授 in Computer Science

Dr. 塔尼亚罗伊

Assistant 教授 of Human Centered Computing

George Ruppeiner

教授 of 物理 and Astronomy


访问ing 联系 教授

Milo Schield

访问ing 教授 in 统计数据

Dr. Paul Scudder

Emeritus 教授 of 化学

Area of Concentration

Vlad Serban

访问ing 联系 教授 in 数学

Area of Concentration

Dr. 何塞·R. Soto-Shoender

访问ing Assistant 教授 of 生物学 and Ecology

Joel Thurmond

Senior Teaching Laboratory Specialist

Lydia Wassink

Adjunct Asst. 教授

Area of Concentration

Necmettin Yildirim

教授 of 数学

Soo Bong Chae Chair of Applied 数学